Yippee I finally tracked down a copy of Peppermint Magazine issue 6! I know it’s been out for a few weeks now, but none of the newsagents in my area seem to have it. It would kind of defeat the purpose if I was to drive out of my way to get it, so I decided to wait until I was going into the city anyway. I love it. It’s almost replaced Frankie as my favourite magazine! I think it’s so important that we live our day to day lives with the environment in mind. The best part is that it inspires us to live ethical and environmentally friendly lives, without compromising on looking lovely. Very important for us narcissists with a conscience!

I really enjoyed the article about Mark Boyle, a man who has been living for the last 18 months without any money! So inspirational. I was thinking about joining his freeconomy, but I don’t really have any skills, or things people would want to borrow. I guess it would be good to join anyway. I’m definitely going to buy his book, The Moneyless Man, though.