She got this old second-hand basket and lined it with doilies! Then she sewed a little piece of embroidery to the top! So pretty.

She filled it with all kinds of sewing things. But my favourites are the little salt and pepper pin cushions!

This is such a great idea! All you need is the prettiest salt and pepper shakers you can find, and some cotton wool or stuffing. Take the bottoms off the shakers and stuff as much wool as possible through the holes. Squish it in nice and tight so the pins will stand up.

The shakers can hold quite a lot of pins and are a great way to put something old to use again, especially as no one uses salt and pepper shakers anymore!

That has got to be the best birthday present I have ever seen! How utterly lovely of your sister! I especially love the salt and pepper pincushions. Thanks for sharing!