It was super hot so I was a bit excited to wear my new fave dress sans stockings.

There were even more stalls and displays than last year! I was a little disappointed that we missed out on a show bag, but we more than made up for it with all the yummies that we ate.
We started with a Funky Pie. I chose the ‘chilli-non-carne’, as I am loving all things Mexican at the moment! So good.

Then we stocked up on Mister Nice Guy cupcakes. Ahhmazing. We got the ‘French toast’ and ‘Betty White’ which we took home to share. I’m looking forward to sharing the last two with my sister tonight!

But possibly my favourite treat of all were sour worms and coke bottles! I don’t think I have had either since I was about 12, so I was particularly happy when I saw them. Yummo!

And I got some vegan dog food samples, all of which Flinnette loved! I threw them to her and she caught (almost) all of them in the air! This doggy is eating a lot of vegan food at the moment. She loves pretty much everything, so she’s easy to convert!
