It was a rainy old day as I made my way down 5th Avenue on day one. I got completely soaked and was rather jealous of all the girls in their Hunter boots.

I began with the ancient Egyptian section, which made me not feel so bad about missing the Tutenkamen exhibition in Melbourne. It was impossible to take good photos inside the galleries, but I was super glad that you were allowed cameras inside. It's nice to have tome pictures to remember your visit.

I loved how varied the museum was. Every section bought you to a completely new time and place.

The galleries for American Paintings were closed and won't be open until 2012. The paintings were, however, in viewable storage. It was almost deserted. I loved wandering down the aisles, looking at all of the amazing paintings, all hung above one another, line after line in big glass boxes.

At about 4.30, I realised that there was no way I was going to see the entire museum in one day, so I decided to come back the following morning. It was nice to be able to go back and take my time looking through some of the parts I had rushed through.

My favourite parts were definitely '19th and Early 20th Century European Paintings and Sculpture' and 'European Paintings'. It's so exciting to be have the opportunity to see some of the amazing works that I have studied but never had a chance to see in real life.

Despite spending two entire days at the museum, I still missed out on some very large parts: a good incentive to come back to NY one day!